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Philosophers Stone

Since the time of the Alchemists of the Middle Ages the focus of Alchemy has been on transmuting base metals into gold, and thereby also going on to produce the elixer of Life and the Philosophers Stone. This last item was seen to be the ultimate possession of all Alchemists as it was said to be able to make all of the other activities in Alchemy much easier. 


Much has been written about the activities of the Alchemist Nicolas Flamel who was said to have been able to produce this treasure of Alchemy and that he had spoken about how to draw the geometry of the Philosophers Stone. Modern day Alchemists and investigators of sacred geometry have all tried to produce their own version of this work. Very few people know though that Sir Isaac Newton, the most prominent scientist of that time was an active alchemist that produced an immense amount of hidden work on the Philosophers Stone.

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A key aspect of creating the geometry of the Philosophers Stone is 'squaring the circle' (a geometric process where a square is created that has exactly the same distance around the four sides of the square as the circumference of the circle) the circle representing the heavens and the square the physical world. But as you can see this is quite different to the circle, square, and triangle in the drawing produced using the instructions of Nicolas Flamel. 

Even though most modern day investigators have continued to use the work of Nicolas Flamel, most coming little further than reproducing the same drawing, a few brave Alchemists have gone on to use the square, circle, and triangle in their own endeavor to make some progress on this centuries old mystery. 


The symbol that you can find as the logo of the Alchemist studio is the first clue to discovering our own contribution to these works. Not only is it working with the concept of 'squaring the circle' it is also, most importantly bringing together the Heavens with the Earth, fire and water, and male and female to create a new 21st century Alchemy. 


Even though most modern day investigators have continued to use the work of Nicolas Flamel, most coming little further than reproducing the same drawing, a few brave Alchemists have gone on to use the square, circle, and triangle in their own endeavor to make some progress on this centuries old mystery. 


The symbol that you can find as the logo of the Alchemist studio is the first clue to discovering our own contribution to these works. Not only is it working with the concept of 'squaring the circle' it is also, most importantly bringing together the Heavens with the Earth, fire and water, and male and female to create a new 21st century Alchemy. 

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Be in


the Alchemist studio

Huizen, The Netherlands

© 2022 the Alchemist.

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